Women leading the way - Richfield
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The COVID-19 pandemic has seen seismic shifts in the world of work. Like many crises, it has also presented opportunities – and the magnitude of the pandemic has presented companies with a once-in-a-generation chance to make real and lasting changes.

Much of the debate has focused on digital transformation, but – in parallel with social justice movements like #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter – there is an increasing focus on the human aspects of change, too.

Seize the moment

The most important of these is increasing diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Multiple studies have shown that companies with more diverse leadership teams deliver better financial results and are less prone to blinkered groupthink.

This means that there is a compelling argument for involving more women in senior management and company leadership roles. This is the rationale that underpins Richfield’s latest course offering: Women Leading the Way in the New World of Work.

As we all adjust to the ‘new normal’, it is clear that this new world of work is already upon us. Through this course, we aim to provide opportunities for women to thrive in a post-COVID, digitally transformed world.

Transformation begins with you

This is an opportunity for companies to move beyond window-dressing and quota-filling, and to celebrate the invaluable contributions of female leaders. Organisations need to reflect the diversity of the communities they serve at every level – and especially in the boardroom, which has traditionally been a white male bastion.

To thrive in the new world of work, companies will need to embrace and listen to multiple voices and be alert to the needs of diverse stakeholders. AT Richfield, we are committed to contributing to building more inclusive companies, including through providing inspiring professional education for current and future female leaders.

The course content reflects the diversity of participants we are aiming to attract. The focus is on empowerment and transformation; by attending these workshops, you will gain the skills and confidence you need to positively disrupt your organisation.

It is no longer enough to knock on the ‘glass ceilings’ that exist in many organisations; they need to be shattered.

The new world of work will be a challenging place, requiring people and companies to evolve and adapt faster than ever. This course will reflect that imperative – by signing up, you should expect to be challenged. We will stimulate your curiosity, stir up debate and systematically topple the statues of conventional wisdom.

We’re talking to you

If you’re a career-focused woman who’s determined to make it to the top and make a difference, this course will provide the ideal launchpad – or booster – for your professional growth trajectory. You’ll emerge with a strengthened belief in your own abilities and in the need for transformation.

Fused together, these convictions – plus the tools you’ll acquire through your participation in this workshop – will equip you to not only succeed personally, but to blaze a trail that others can follow. Along the way, you’ll encounter obstacles such as entrenched biases and outmoded opinions and be reminded of the awesome power of collaboration.

You’ll learn to interrogate statistics to uncover the truth about diversity and inclusion and be inspired to play a leading role in ensuring that these vital measures of a company’s holistic success become hard-baked into the DNA of your organisation.

Essential information

The Women Leading the Way in the New World of Work course will consist of a seamless blend of online workshops across 8 days (Wednesdays and Thursdays, 09h00 – 11h00) from 4 August 2021 to 26 August 2021. The microburst format is intended to provide maximum compatibility with your existing professional responsibilities, and you’ll also be able to access the intuitive learner platform.

To thrive rather survive in the new world of work, register today: https://www.richfield.ac.za/executive-education/

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