Personal Leadership - Richfield

Personal Leadership


Modern businesses can only thrive when their leaders perform at optimal levels. Just like preparing for any other competitive activity, this requires dedication and focus on self-improvement in all areas in order to make the most effective possible contribution. Achieving enhanced levels of energy, understanding and intelligence is no accident; it requires practice, application and deliberate learning. By committing to a programme of continuous improvement, you can take your leadership skills to a level at which you are positively impacting on the health, growth and future direction of the business.


Who is the Course Suitable For

This course is ideal for

Working professionals wanting to:

  • Learn through a highly experiential, participatory, workshop-based learning programme
  • Perform at optimal levels for their own benefit, and that of the business
  • Develop their core leadership skills
  • Acquire leadership and business continuity knowledge
  • Excel in workplace scenarios, no matter how challenging or complex
  • Maximise their impact

Topics/Themes to be covered

Topic 1:

Personal leadership and impact: Building your Leadership Impact Map®

Be deliberate about the impact you intend to have, and focused in your execution.

 Topic 2:

Personal alignment: Values, purpose and resilience

Draw on your own principles and beliefs to strengthen your resolve to succeed.

 Topic 3:

Why is personal change hard and strategies to achieve personal goals? Fighting inertia and leveraging your will to succeed; identifying your goals and devising the means to achieve them.

 Topic 4:

Cultivating adaptability and agility for the future world of work

In business, change is the only constant. You must be prepared to embrace it, and continually adapt to ensure that your skillset remains relevant and valued.

 Topic 5:

Structuring work I: Planning & Structuring work II: Executing

Being steadfast in your implementation of your plans – flexible enough to adapt, yet determined enough to succeed despite setbacks.

 Topic 6:

Building an accountability network

True leaders are accountable to themselves; and to the teams they lead.

Topic 7:

Interpersonal leadership: Building high performing teams

Inspire others to seek to better themselves in the same way, and achieve even greater results through collaboration.

Topic 8:

Leadership and personal commitments and ensuring impact

Develop the art of sustained impact, and hone your dedication so you always stay the course.

Learning outcomes

Delegates will have a clear path to follow for the next 1 – 3 years thanks to their own bespoke Leadership Impact Map®. They will have learned important lessons about what matters to them, and how to align their values, purpose, and leadership skills with the needs of the business, in order to perform at optimal levels. Through developing a growth mindset, they will be able to align their understanding and actions with key performance drivers, and be prepared to overcome obstacles and embrace change. In addition to working on themselves, participants will learn how to work with others (including their teams and accountability partners) to take their performance to even higher levels.


Price on request.


Online evening classes (18:30 – 19:30)

Course date

Please enquire with us to receive the latest course schedule.

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